Dedicated to the exploration of a more sustainable, resilient, and responsible food culture.
Issue no 5 contains 128 pages printed on FSC certified and recycled paper. Our magazines are published completely independently without advertisements or corporate investments. The Preserve Journal is, therefore, run free of any restraining commercial considerations and interests.
The Preserve Journal presents you with a broad range of perspectives from an ever-growing group of global authors and contributors- each of them with a wealth of knowledge, rich experiences, and insights to share.
The content for each issue is being collected throughout the year and often follows the change of the seasons. However, while the seasons provide a visual frame for each issue we share content that remains relevant and important across the seasons and years. By doing so we hope to invite our readers to revisit past issues and find continuous inspiration.
Join us in an unfolding dialogue of what a sustainable, transparent, and resilient food culture might look, feel, and taste like.
Contents — Issue no 5
The real Good Life: Building a community farm in North London by Imogen Smith
Food in a changing climate by Alana Mann
Our pomegranate predicament by Jocette Lee
Wines of change: The conscientious drinker by Dominic Ashby
Agroforest: Agriculture + forests by Lis Cereja
Learning the agroforestry way: The Southern Lights food forest project in Greece by Sheila Darmos
Perspectives from Nigeria: Advancing the eco-feminist theory in agriculture by Adenike Oladosu
The mysterious life of fungi by Ane Brødsgaard Saldic
Immigrant Locals: A Cambodian-American cooks in Minnesota by Kristofer Coffman
In conversation with Gemma Lane: How the fight for high food standards is the fight for social justice by Will Dorman
“I’m tired of watching our town die” by Mark Winne
The chatter of wasps: Reflections on ecosystem services by Jesse Donham
Familiarity by Jaya Modi and Barney Pau Jury Morgan
Fish sustainability: Brass tacks and basics by Gilbert Randolph
Musings on sustainability, circularity, and putting people at the centre by Anusha Murthy and Elizabeth Yorke
“On behalf of the team, I would like to express the deepest gratitude to our lead designer Marie Døssing, who will be leaving us after this issue. Her aesthetic made up a big part of this magazine’s soul, and we know that The Preserve Journal was much-loved for its visuals made possible by her keen eye. We wish her a lot of luck and we’ll make sure to keep the magazine looking good, as she would have wanted!” – Meg Yarcia, quote from the Editor’s note.