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Evoking thoughts of conformity and lack of change, but also the sensation of equality and unity, issue 12 explores the significance of patterns, and the need for belonging. We are attempting to understand the persona – that gulf between what you are with others, and what you are alone. Blood, belief, desires and visions, the human need for affinity, the acceptance of the flock, and the wish to be a part of something larger, remains in constant conflict with the contradictory desire to be individual. Sometimes we’re required to dilute ourselves into a wider self. We examine nationalism, colonialism, replica, authenticity and artificial identity, exploring the possible consequences that result.
Drawing upon this concept, the written exploration is an inquiry into our emotional relationship with artificial intelligence, as a mirror of self-consciousness. We also find ourselves in an exploration of chameleonic cultural translations and transplantations – between the mouth and the voice meaning frequently ceases to exist. We unravel the uniform, but also reduce it to its most basic, universal components, to finally find ourselves in a state of nationless deviation.
Cover shot by Turkina Faso.
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