Your own private treehouse
The new issue of Dodo Magazine is ready! “Multi” is a celebration of multiplicity. It’s inspired by all crazy things with multiple functions, like the drinking helmet, the roller shoes, the swiss army knife, the kitchen robot or even people like Inspector Gadget and the one man band. This issue will also contain two posters, a comic and extra activity pages. Some of the articles include: a guide to legendary creatures, a spy manual, how to plant a cretaceous garden, the Winchester haunted mansion, how to make a trap, and nightmares at lunch o’clock. The pages of the issue can also tell your fortune, every time you open it up on a random page.
Made with the collaboration of Ale de Ariza, Ruth Bartlett, Gonzalo Baró, Popy Blasco, Olaf Breuning, Ruth Briones, Javier Castán, Hudson Christie, Zef Cherry-Kynaston, Luke Darracott, Juan Díaz-Faes, Alec Doherty, Daniel Eceolaza, Steve Fasnacht, Fernando Farfán, Teresa Fernández, Victoria Fernández, Sean Ford, George Heaven, Chi He, Adam J. Kurtz, Cachete Jack, Kidtofer, Manuel Mercadal, Anna Kövecses, Elliot Kruszynski, Pablo Lerma, Zhang Liang, Mar Martín, Álvaro Mingo, Felipe Olaya, Aitor Saraiba, Rosa Soro, The Young Never Sleep and Sawe.