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Month Day Year #1


MDY for Month Day Year, today’s date, materialising our relationship to time and space.

Text. English / French
Limited edition 1000 copies
272 pages. Hard cover. 24×32 cm

MDY for Month Day Year, today’s date, materializing our relationship to time and space. MDY is a publication, a transversal media questioning innovation through fashion, philosophy, design, culture, art and technology. MDY is a printed step of engaged creative reflection and not an immutable end.MDY is a laboratory, a portal between paper and digital, offering a virtual, augmented and forever augmentable experience through a smartphone application. You will be notified of new available explorations and possibilities as they come out. In between a book and a magazine, this 272-page publication, with no classical advertising, questions the notion of expiration and iterates around new creative communication systems. Prefaced by the Italian philosopher Emanuele Coccia, this first issue of MDY questions our relation to « Phantasm ».

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